
  • Imelda Sinaga Ria Fytri


This study aim to determine the financial performance of the companies listed on the Stock Exchange (Stock Exchange Indonesia) before and after the application of Information Technology in 2007-2013. In this study is used as much as 7 companies were studied by using the technique of sample selection is purposive sampling with the specified criteria. Data collection method used is secondary data. System development method used is the Waterfall method. Based on the overall results of the analysis obtained for the calculation of ROE and ROI ratio of the average company is very healthy in the years 2007-2013, for the calculation of the ratio of the average company ATO as very healthy while in terms of the size of the average company in the year 2007-2013 the company relatively small size and for the analysis of Altman Z Score in 2007-2013 classified the company with doubtfull bankruptcy .The design system consists of form input corporate data , form input financial statements, form input ratio calculation of ROA, ROE ratio calculation input form, form input calculating the ratio ROI, form input ATO ratio calculation, calculation of the size of the company's input form, form input ratio calculation Altman Z-score, as well as testing the system that shows a valid result Keywords : Performance Financial, Information Technology, Web Application


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