Pengaruh Suplai Sumber Daya Energi Batubara dan Energi Listrik Terhadap Pertumbuhan Industri Besar dan sedang (IBS) dan Implikasinya Bagi Pertumbuhan Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB)


  • Eman Singgih



This research was to analyze the growth of major industries and the medium (IBS) and the factors that influence it, namely: the gap of supply of energy resources of coal and electrical energy. Strategies to overcome the gap between the need and availability of supply of energy coal and electricity is important for the analysis to be able to take steps to overcome them. In order for industry growth more sustainable then to examine the role or contribution of Energy Supply Coal and Electricity for industrial growth in Indonesia where the supply of energy coal functioned as an independent variable, while the growth of large and medium industries functioned as a variable intervening and gross domestic product (GDP) functioned as the dependent variable. Implementation of this research for 3 years and 10 months from July 2012 until May 2015 including the design, conduct and reporting of research results. This study uses an explanatory study or studies testing the hypothesis that aims to explore and test hypotheses about the relationship between variables. The data used in the measurement of the variables is secondary data in the form of time series data (time series) of the year 1982-2013. The research model is formulated as a recursive models and analyzed using linear regression by the method of ordinary least sequare. Keywords: Coal  Energy  Supply,  Energy  Supply   Electricity,  Industrial Growth, Gross Domestic Product.


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