Faktor-Faktor keberhasilan Koperasi Pondok Pesantren dan implikasinya untuk mensejahterakan anggotanya


  • Ismail Ismail




The research aim was to study the effect of government policy, capital capability, members’ participation, quality of members’ education and training, and the entrepreneurial spirit towards the of the success Cooperation in the Boarding Venues for Islamic Learners. The discussion takes account of analysis of the variables effect in simple, partial, or multiple modes. Likewise, the research also studied the effect the cooperation success towards the welfare of the members. The research population was the perception of the stakeholder on the success of the Cooperation in the Boarding Venues for Islamic Learners residing in the province of Lampung. Sample were drawn from the population through the technique of the proportionate cluster Random sampling. The identification of clusters applied to the four regencies in the province of Lampung and groups of stakeholders that consisted of common people, members, and board of management. The total sample was collected from 75 respondents that represented 5 people for each 15 cooperation within the four regencies in the province of Lampung. Data were collected through questionnaires with the design of Likert scale. To test the research hypotheses, data were analyzed through the techniques of simple, partial and multiple correlation and regression. To test the manner of how variable effects looked like, the research used the techniques of path analysis. Analysis of simple correlation and regression generated finding that all of the independent variables (government policy, capital capability, members’ participation, quality of members’ education and training, and the entrepreneurial spirit) brought about significant effect towards the success of cooperation and the welfare of its members. The fact could explained that so far the government policy in some instances had less supports to the existence of Islamic Learners’ Cooperation than to the other types of cooperation in Indonesia. Another finding of the research from the path analysis explained that the first factor affecting the success of the Islamic Learners’ cooperation and improving the welfare of its members was entrepreneurial spirit. The finding confirmed the fact that Islamic Learners’ Cooperation indeed was deeply rooted from the community. The second factor affecting the success of cooperation was the members’ participation. The finding indicated that members’ active participation was essential to cultivate the success of cooperation. The third factor was capability of the capital and fourth was the quality of education and training. The absence of direct or indirect effect of the government policy towards the success of cooperation suggested that the future policy of the government be aligned more to the development Cooperation in the Boarding Venues for Islamic Learners.


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