Analisis Kepuasan Pelanggan (Studi Kasus Minimarket Indomaret)


  • Sugiyanto dan Yolanda



This article presents an overview the analisys of case studies on custumer satisfaction . Indomaret is tetail company that provides products of daily needs. Retail indomaret in Indonesia grow rapidly. Indomaret marketing strategy is to provide customer satisfaction. Level of customer satisfaction that is associated with the customer's expectations and assessment products and services Indomaret reached 91.22%. Highest satisfaction scores obtained on the statement "The quality of the administration is always right", while the lowest satisfaction scores obtained on the statement "a good parking place, safe and spacious enough". Type of service that gets top priority for immediate enhanced by Indomaret is the price of goods, physical plant building and facilities, as well as secure parking and spacious. Key Word : Customers Satisfaction


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