Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Perusahaan dan Implikasinya terhadap Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja dan Kesejahteraan Pegawai Perusahaan Bunker di Provinsi DKI Jakarta


  • Mulyadi Mulyadi




This research was motivated by the declining bunkers corporate performance in DKI Jakarta as a result of the regulations that restrict the smoothness of sales which had impact on employment and employee welfare weren't optimal in bunker business sector. The problems under study were: the effect of factors driving corporate performance on corporate performance, employment and employee welfare. The objectives were to obtain empirical evidences and analyzed the linkages between the effect of regulation, quality of human resources, capital capability, port infrastructure, partnership strategic, mastery of technology and information on the corporate performance, either simultaneously and partially as well as directly and indirectly, and their implication on the employment and employee welfare. The research used descriptive-explanatory method with survey approach. The studied population was all bunkers corporate in DKI Jakarta as much as 30 corporate. The research sample was taken purposively based on the willingness to be researched and completeness of data. The analysis technique of hypotheses testing used Path Analysis. The result of this research concluded that the factors studied had effect simultaneously on the corporate performance. Partially, capital capability had a dominant effect, while contribution of regulation and mastery of technology and information hadn't been effective. The corporate performance was more influenced by the direct effect of quality of human resources, capital capability, port infrastructure, and partnership strategic, and also by the indirect effect of capital capability through partnership strategic and vice versa. Beside that, also be concluded that the corporate performance affected on the employment and employee welfare. Be suggested that government implements economic policies that balance between development of investment climate and strengthening competitiveness of domestic corporate. Expected support of PT. Pertamina by improving standard of fuel price become more competitive. The bunkers corporate with Chamber of Commerce and APBI are advised to encourage synergism, integration, and enhancement of the studied factors, and also enlarge the contribution of corporate performance for employment and employee welfare. Keywords: synergism, integration, enhancement of regulation, quality of human resources, capital capability, port infrastructure, partnership strategic, mastery of technology and information


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