Meningkatkan Daya Saing Pelaku Usaha Indonesia Menghadapi ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2015


  • Moch. Jasin



Asean Economic Community (AEC) is a part of ASEAN cooperation skim agreed by ASEAN member countries as other form of ASEAN’s cooperation on ecomic integration such as ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA), which was established during ASEAN Summit Meeting in Bali, Indonesia, year 2003. The objective of this research is to asess and examine how Indonesia could achieve the sucesessfull implementation of AEC in 2015?. How far the progress on the implementation AEC Blue print, which has been implemented since last year ? How far Indonesia’s competitively Strength compare to the other ASEAN member countries in implementing the principles and other arrangements agreed in the AEC. The method of this research using qualitative and descriptive analitical approaches. The results of this research is come up with the findings and the recomendations. The research found that the AEC was considered usefull to speed up the implementation of economic integration among the member of ASEAN countries by facilitating cross boder movement of trade and investment; business sevices and other services; technology; capital; people and labour mobility etc. Indonesia faced some competitiveness obtacles namely: complicated bureucratic procedures in providing business licenses; man power’s competencies; high cost of money; poor infrastructure etc. The research recommend to the Government of Indonesia should be consistence in plementing the so called “AEC blue print based on three main programs these are encourage to reach real implementation of common market; establish ASEAN competitive economic zone; and balance economic development among the member countries. The research aslo recommend the goverment of Indonesia should enhance and promote the competitiveness of small and medium skill industry; simplify beureaucratic procedures, build integrated infrastructures as well as prevent and combat corruption. Kata kunci : ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), AEC Blueprint


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