Ratio Effect Return On Invesment And Return On Assets To Position Bank In LQ45 Index


  • Roristua Pandiangan




Financial performance is the achievement of management that manages a business entity. Financial performance provides information about the effectiveness and efficiency of financial management of a business entity. This study examines the influence of the ratio of ROI and ROA of the bank's position in the LQ45 index by using financial ratios focus on the profitability ratio is limited to the ratio of ROI and ROA. This study uses secondary data that the financial statements are issued ten largest asset owners bank in Indonesia beginning in 2008 to 2011. The analysis technique used is the ratio of ROI and ROA as well as descriptive analysis. The results showed that : First, the problem of the position of the bank in LQ 45 index can be expressed with the profitability ratio is limited to the ratio of ROI and ROA. Second, the ratio of ROI and ROA is one of the considerations for businesses in making the decision to conduct transactions on the shares issued by the bank which has assets in Indonesia. Third, the ratio of ROI and ROA especially those above and or equal to the ratio of ROI and ROA banking industry (in this case the population of 10 banks in Indonesia, the largest property owners in the past 4 years) effect on the bank's position in LQ 45 index. Fourth, the ratio of ROI and ROA of banks is above or equal to the ratio of ROI and ROA on average together have an influence on the bank's position in the LQ45 index. Key words : Ratio ROI, Ratio ROA, LQ 45 Index.


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