Pengaruh Karakteristik Konsumen Muslim Terhadap Perilaku Pembelian Impulsif (Studi Kasus Konsumen Muslim di Jakarta dan Sekitarnya)


  • Shinta Rahmani



Understanding consumer behavior is one key to maintaining and improving the consumer. Studying the behavior of Moslem consumers were a concern for most manufacturers today, due to a large Moslem population along with a high growth rate. Indonesia is the country with the largest Moslem population of the world reached 218 million people or 88% of the total population. Impulsive buying already accounted for large sales each year. Many researches on impulsive buying have been made by many researchers before. Impulsive buying are influenced by many factors including product characteristics, situational factors, and characteristics of the stores that are external factors and characteristics of consumers, which is an internal factor. This study aimed to identify the influence of consumer characteristics of the moslem’s population of Jakarta and surrounding areas on impulsive buying behavior. It is driven by the fact that many malls and shopping centers are there in Jakarta, and the growth of the middle class there. The dramatic increase in disposable income, lifestyle and availability of credit have been make an impulsive buying of a phenomenon across different retail formats. Right strategy and synergistic effects of the various factors that influence impulse buying, will lead to a higher sales turnover, which in turn will benefit marketers and retailers. Therefore, in order to conduct this study, a sample of 225 respondents of moslem Jakarta and surrounding residents has been selected randomely. Meanwhile the SPSS tools have been used to examine the relationship between variables. Based on chi square analysis results, the variable gender (JK) and variable materialism (MATRE) have significant numbers of 0.347 and 0.516 over the rate limit of 0.05 which means no significant effect on impulsive purchase behavior. Meanwhile, the variable of age (USIA), income (DAPAT), education (EDUC) and mood (MOOD) has the significance of the numbers below 0.05 which means that four variables have a significant influence on impulsive buying behavior. These findings are consistent with some previous research findings, except the education variable (EDUC). These findings indicate that education (EDUC) has an influence on impulsive buying behavior, where the higher of education the more controlled so that less impulsive buying behavior. Keywords : Impulse buying behavior, consumer characteristics, moslem consumer, materialism, gender, age, income, education, mood


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