Kajian Potensi Sharing Subsidi Listrik oleh Pemerintah Daerah


  • Joko Tri Haryanto




The electricity sector has a very important role as a source of energy that is vital for everyday life, industrial activities and other commercial activities. To keep electricity prices remain affordable to the public, government allocated electricity subsidy in the APBN. Unfortunately, every year electricity subsidy is more swollen. Therefore needs to consider funding the electricity subsidy sharing mechanism with local governments. To support these mechanisms, necessary to study to see the readiness level of funding in local government and also the division of authority. By using the method of analysis, it can be concluded that the judicial authority of the electricity sector although it has been submitted to the region, but still the absolute authority of the Central Government. Based on the Local Fiscal Capacity analysis, Jakarta Province, East Kalimantan Province, Papua Province of West and North Borneo are areas that deserve to be a top priority. By using the analysis of the development of regional economic growth from 2008 to 2012, the recommended area is the province of West Papua with an average economic pertmbuhan approximately 23.28% compared to Jakarta by 7.75% and by 5.08% in East Kalimantan. Keywords: Electricity subsidy, APBN, Local government, Local fiscal capacity


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