Hubungan Kulaitas Pelayanan dan Kepuasan Pelanggan Dalam Pembentukan Intensi Pembelian Konsumen Matahari Group di DKI Jakarta


  • Yoga Fortuna



The research aimed to test relationship service quality and customer satisfaction, and interaction between service quality and customer satisfaction in establishment of customer’s purchasing intention. The research was conducted at department store managed by Matahari Group in DKI Jakarta. Samples were determined by convenience sampling method and purposive sampling method with respondents that numbered 140 persons. Gathering data was done by way of giving customers the question list that contained about service quality, customer satisfaction and customer's purchasing intention. Analysis method in this research used Analysis Regression Moderator based on model that was instituted by Taylor and Baker (1994). The results of this research shown the existence of significant association between service quality and customer satisfaction, and interactions among service quality and customer satisfaction toward customer’s purchasing intention. Interaction between service quality and customer satisfaction explains rather the variance of purchasing intention than each variable. It is shown by R2 resulted that is as big as 78.8%.


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