Pengaruh Kepemimpinan dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada Universitas Borobudur Jakarta)


  • Emalia Dewi Kartika



The purpose of the research was to determine the direct influence of leadership on employees work motivation, direct influence of work motivation towards the performance of employees, as well as direct and indirect influence of leadership on the performance of employees in Borobudur University, conducted in Jakarta from June to October 2015. The Data was obtained using a survey of 106 Borobudur university employees given questionnaire instruments that had passed the test of validity and reliability. Data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential analysis approach using SPSS software version 21. The analysis showed that leadership has a direct and positive effect on employee motivation in the university Borobudur Jakarta. The improvement of leadership will make a direct contribution of 51.8% to the increasing of work motivation of employees. Motivation has direct and positive impact on the performance of employees in Borobudur University. The increased of employees work motivation will make a direct contribution of 9.1% to the increased of employees performance . Leadership gives impact directly and indirectly through work motivation in Borobudur university environment, The Increased leadership will give total contribution ( direct and indirect) through increased motivation to work of 42,3 % to the improvement of employees performance within the university Borobudur. The increased performance of employees at the university Borobudur can be reached through the increasing of performance and work motivation. ____________________________________ Keyword : leadership, work motivation, and employee performance


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