Pengaruh Bauran Promosi Sampo Hijab Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen di Kota Bogor


  • Endang Nurhidayati, Sampurno, dan Djoharsyah Mx



This research is aimed to find out 1) the influence of hijab shampoo advertisement on purchasing decision, 2) the influence of sales promotion of hijab shampoo sales to the buying decision, 3) the influence of individual hijab shampoo sales on the purchase decision, 4) the influence of publicity on purchasing decision, 5) the influence of the promotion mix on the purchase decision, and 6) know the effect of purchasing decisions on customer satisfaction. The population in this study is the consumers of women who have purchased and use Sariayu Hijab shampoo or Sunsilk Hijab Sampo in Bogor City, with a total sample of 152 respondents. The sample technique used is purposive sampling. Test validity and reliability using Cronbach's Alpha formula. Data analysis technique used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis with t test. The results showed that Sariayu Hijab shampoo on sales promotion (0,011), promotion mix (0,539) had significant effect, while advertisement (0,172), personal selling (0,731), publicity (0,221) had no significant effect on purchasing decision. Shampoo Sunsilk Hijab on advertisement (0.000), sales promotion (0,052), promotion mix (0,474) have significant effect while personal selling (0,973), publicity (0,490) have no significant effect to purchasing decision. The decision to purchase both shampoo hijab has a significant effect on customer satisfaction. Keywords: promotion mix, purchase decision, customer satisfaction


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