Pengaruh Modal Bank, Alokasi Kredit Dana Pihak Ketiga, dan Jumlah Kantor Cabang Bank BUMN Persero terhadap Jumlah Kredit Usaha Kecil dan Implikasinya pada Tingkat Pengangguran.


  • Christianus Manihuruk dan Meirinaldi



The influence of Equity banks , the allocation of Lending Money  from a third party  and  the number of The Branch Offices  towards the number of credits for Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises through State-Owned Enterprises as well as its implications for The Unemployment Rate.            This research was initiated the development of Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises  has not  been optimized because of the lack of capital. State-Owned Enterprises Bank as agent of development play a important role to meet the shortage of capital through the provision of credit facilities for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises  that impact to reduce Unemployment.            This research uses secondary data that is panel data. The combination of time series and cross section data used for explanatory research  to explain the connection between causal and inter-variables studied in the model, through hypothesis testing. Analysis techniques used are multiple linear regression and simple linear regression.             The research results show that bank Equity factor , Lending money, the number of Branch Offices simultaneously significant impact  towards the number of credits for Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises through State-Owned Enterprises. Partially, Third Party Funds, and Number of Branch Offices distributed have a significant and positive impact towards the number of credits for Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises. The number of credits for Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises through State-Owned Enterprises significantly  negative significant impact on the Unemployment Rate.


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