Perbandingan Potensi Return Investasi Surat Berharga Negara (SBN) Ritel dan Return Saham Blue Chip


  • Hartono Hartono



Investment is the right way to achieve financial freedom in the future. The purpose of the investment is to get a profit or return. This paper aims to compare the potential returns that can be obtained from investing in Government Securities (SBN) consisting of Saving Bond Retail (SBR), Retail Government Bonds (ORI) and Saving Sukuk with Blue chip stock returns on the Indonesia Stock Exchange ( IDX). The calculation of return on SBN uses the method set by the government while the calculation of blue chip stock returns uses a method commonly used in analyzing stock returns. The results of the analysis show that ORI015, which is the latest series of Government Retail Bonds (ORI), can promise the highest return among the latest series of other SBNs such as SBR005 and ST-003. On the other hand, blue chip shares, in this case BBRI shares, have provided a much higher return than the potential return of the three retail SBNs. It shows the appropriate level of risk inherent in each investment instrument. The higher the risk, the higher the profit that can be obtained. So that in this case retail SBN is the right investment instrument for moderate investors with a medium level of risk. While blue chip stocks are investment instruments that are more appropriate for aggressive investors who are risk takers with the aim of gaining high profits.Keyword : Government Securities (SBN), Saving Bond Ritel (SBR), Retail Goverment Bond (ORI), Saving Sukuk, Blue Chip Stock.


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