Pengaruh Kompensasi dan Motivasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada PT.UNIPAC (United Pasific Solutions)


  • Putri Sri Maulidah dan Jeffry H. Sinaulan



Human resources is an overall level of planning to evaluation that is able to utilize other resources owned by an organization or company. Some of these activities include providing training, giving compensation, giving awards, giving motivation and creating a conducive work environment. These activities will be closely related to the provision of compensation and motivation.This study aims to determine how much influence the compensation and motivation on employee performance at PT. UNIPAC. in this study conducted in January 2018 to July 2018. The research method used is quantitative methods, data collection techniques used are library research and field research by distributing questionnaires shown to PT. UNIPAC as many as 30 people. The data analysis method used is validity test, reliability test, normality test, multiple linear analysis, termination coefficient, test t test f.The results show that partially compensation and motivation have a positive and significant influence on employee performance. Sedangan simultaneously the variable compensation and motivation jointly influence the performance of employees at PT. UNIPAC is 92.2%, while the remaining 7.8% is influenced by other factors not examined.


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