Analisa Pertambangan Timah Di Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung


  • Yulianti, Burhanuddin Bani dan Albana



Tins is a chemical element in the periodic table that has the symbol sn (latin : stannum) and atomic number 50.  For more than 2 centuries, Babel tins has never been explored. Now the economic impact has begun to be felt, such as the limitations of mining land and the technology used is getting left behind, even the products produced are only tin beams. Law No.4 of 2009, downstream minerba is only to trial and error with no proud result and has not been able to provide economic value for the community.This research is a deskriptive qualitative research a phenomenological approach. The informants were 2 Wowbabel Journalists, who often attended work visits by the governor of Bangka Belitung province. This research was conducted in October and November 2019. Data collection throegh interviews and document review.This research conclues that governance of tin mining began to be carried out the government with the issuance of Minister of Trade Regulation No.32 of 2013, regulates tin export trade through the futures exchange transaction mechanism on the Indonesian Commodity And Derivatives Exchange (ICDX).The future of tin mining still has great potential to bring the Province of Bangka Belitung to its former glory more than today. Infrastructure development, management of tin from downstream tu upstream, qualified human resources is a chore to globalitation. The recomendation, as state, is that regulations that protect Indonesia’s natural wealth need to be firther studied in order to ensure that these existing natural resources became commodities for the era of regional angnatoinal economic activity. Keywords: Minning, Bangka Belitung, governance of tin


Albana. 2019. Menjawab Tantangan Sosiso Ekonomi Industri Pertambangan Timah Bagi Masyarakat Lokal Kabupaten Belitung Timur, Provinsi Kepaulau Bangka Belitung. Hasil Wawancara Pribadi: 3 Oktober 2019. Pangkalpinang.

Ranto, 2019. Dampak Sosioekonomi Masyarakat Lokal Terhadap Pertambangan Timah Dan Potensi Pendapatan Daerah Sektor Sumber Daya Alam Kabupaten Belitung Timur, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung. Balunijuk, Universitas Bangka Belitung. 23 September 2019

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Https://, diakses 3 November 2019.


