Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Produk dan Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan


  • Andri Rizko Yulianto
  • Herudini Subariyanti
  • Ananto Krisna Wardhana



Product quality and service quality provided are closely related to customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction can be achieved if customers get products and services that are in accordance with what is needed and expected. The object under study is a company engaged in the sale of health products in Jakarta, focusing on one product observed in this study. To maintain and improve customer satisfaction, every item ordered is processed with good treatment and sent immediately so that it is fast and on time to the destination for the achievement of customer satisfaction. Thus it is expected that with good product quality and good service quality will also be able to remind the satisfaction of its customers. To determine the effect of product quality and service quality on customer satisfaction is done by quantitative descriptive methods. The data collection methods used are observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation studies. The questionnaire prepared and distributed to respondents has fulfilled valid and reliable requirements for respondents who are all customers (customers) that are well recorded by the company. After processing data that has gone through a series of tests of basic / classic assumptions, the correlation coefficient between product quality and customer satisfaction shows a value of 0.186 (very low positive), the correlation coefficient between service quality to customer satisfaction shows a value of 0.377 (positive low) and the correlation coefficient between product quality and service quality simultaneously on customer satisfaction shows a coefficient value of 0.607 (strong positive). In this regression model a multiple linear regression equation is obtained: Y=13.662+0.077X1+0.458X2. Through a series of tests in this study it can be seen that the product quality variable partially has a positive effect on customer satisfaction (sig. 0.006 <0.05) and the service quality variable partially has a positive effect on the customer satisfaction variable (sig 0.000 <0.05). Product quality and service quality variables simultaneously affect customer satisfaction variables (63,159> 3.04; Fcount> Ftable means H0 is rejected; Ha is accepted). The coefficient of determination (R2) or the simultaneous contribution of X1 and X2 to Y is 36.9%; epsilon 63.1%. The effective contribution of product quality to customer satisfaction is 10.66% and service quality is 26.24% to the customer satisfaction variable while taking into account other independent variables not examined in this study. The relative contribution of product quality and service quality individually is 28.88% and 71.12% of the customer satisfaction variable by not paying attention to other variables not examined in this study. Keywords: Product Quality, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction


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