Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pusat Pendidikan Komputer Akuntansi Inter Nusa Di Jakarta


  • Yoga Fortuna




Emulation institute education these days very competitive, so that an education institute have to  have effective management and professional. Effective management and the professional, not  get out of support of all professional employees also. Go to professional employees and  competence in area, management has to pay attention to satisfaction problem work in order to  improving employee’s performance.                  Various literature propose that employees performance  influenced also by some satisfaction factor work with background that's in this research is writer chosen Accountancy INTERNUSA Computer Education Center in Jakarta as object research.  Population all employees of is sixty of one who consisted of by one director people, two vice  director, and three superintendent. Therefore sample in this research as much 45 one who is specified by as random sampling.                  Target which wish reached in this research is to know satisfaction factors work to employees performance and the most dominant job satisfaction  factor influence employees performance Center Accountancy INTERNUSA and Computer Education in  Jakarta. From inferential research result that doubledly is satisfaction factor work that is:  employee, leadership, and the friend attitude work to have an effect on by significant to  employees performance. From equation regression with linear method probability model, showing that biggest variable of influence to employees performanceis friend attitude variable work.      Simultan Test (F) equal to 2.812,102, and R2 [of] equal to 0,995 %. Meaning three free variable which is in including, 95,5 % can explain variation of employees performance variable, while which is 0,5 % explained by other; dissimilar variable outside model. Keywords: employees, equity, discrepancy, job satisfaction.


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