Implikasi Industri Pariwisata terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, Kesempatan Kerja, Pendapatan Perkapita, dan Asli Daerah serta Tingkat Kemiskinan, di Nusa Tenggara Timur


  • Daniel Mutis



This research was motivated by the low tourism industry realization in Nusa Tenggara Timur rather than its potential and local welfare which hadn’t been optimal. The problems under study were: how did factors affecting tourism industry in Nusa Tenggara Timur and how did tourism industry effect on local welfare. The objectives were to obtain empirical evidences and studied  the linkages between economic phenomenon about the effect of government aid, infrastructure, educational of tourism industry actors, tourism products, availability of credits, society attitudes on tourists, and satisfaction of tourists on the tourism industry and its implication on the economic growth, employment opportunity, income per capita, local income, and level of poverty, as  a study in Nusa Tenggara Timur.The research used explanatory method with cross-sectional approach. The studied population was all districts/municipalities in NTT as much as 21 regions. The research sample was restricted on 15 districts/municipalities which hadn’t experience regional expansion during 5 past years. The analysis technique of hypotheses testing used Path Analysis.The result of this research concluded that the factors studied had significant effect simultaneously on the tourism industry. Partially, government aid had a dominant effect. The tourism industry was more influenced by the direct effect of government aid than by the direct and indirect effect of other factors. Beside that, also be concluded that the tourism industry affected significantly on the economic growth and employment opportunity, but not against income per capita, local income, and level of poverty.Be suggested that government encourages synergism and quality of the studied factors, especially the government aid. Infrastructure which simplified tourist accessibility toward tourism objects need to be developed. Beside tourism product quality and quantity improvement, educational of tourism industry actors need to be tailored to the characteristics of tourism objects and tourists were served. In addition to simplify the bureaucracy of credit need to be simplified and the distribution of credits were monitored the effectiveness. The tourism industry needs to be encouraged on economic growth and in labor intensive. The government were also advised to develop economic growth higher rather than population growth rate, improve the tourism industry as local income resource, and also increased employment opportunity and income distribution for lower income society.


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