Pengembangan Koperasi dan Dampaknya terhadap Kesejahteraan Anggota Melalui Kinerja dan Pelayanan Koperasi Dengan Metode Canonical Correlation


  • Djamaludin Djamaludin



A cooperative is considered as the implementation of democration economy. But it has not evolved significantly and unsatisfy expectations. The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical evidence about the factors concerning the cooperative development and organization systems of regulation economic capital, human being, education and training, entrepreneurship and partnerships strategies affecting on the expertise and services and their impact on improving the members welfare. The problems of the study are formulated as follows: How is any correlation  between the cooperative development factors and whether of these factors affected  on the expertise and services Improvement and their impact on the members welfareThe study  used the causality approach with the study design of Survey Research for the members, managers and supervisors The Supervisor of The Official’s Republic of Indonesia Cooperation “Raung” Situbondo, East Java by  random sampling, There were 260 respondents were chosen. To find out the causal relationship between exogenous variables (independent) and endogenous variables (dependent) using the technique of Partial Least Square analysis (PLS) and as a comparation using Canonical Correlation Analysis technique.The result of the  analysis showed that there was  the similarities but the output of the PLS method is more valid than the Canonical Correlation method because of normal multivariate distribution assumption on the canonical correlation could not be fulfilled, so the conclusions of this study refers to the results of PLS analysis.By using Smart PLS, the results of hypothesis, there was a significant positive correlation between the variables of  regulation and organization systems and  education and training, entrepreneurship and partnership strategy. There was a significant positive correlation between The Variables of economic capital and entrepreneurship and partnership strategy. There was a significant positive correlation between the Variables of  education and training and entrepreneurship and partnership strategy.  And the last variables shows that there was a significant positive correlation between entrepreneurial and  partnership strategy .The cooperative development Factors of regulation  and organization systems, economic capital, entrepreneurship and partnerships strategies affect cooperative performance improvement and impact on improving the members welfare and increasing the cooperative development factors are regulations and organization systems, entrepreneurship and partnerships strategies affected  the improvement of service cooperative and have an impact on improving the members welfare.Based on the value of each variable coefficient indicates that the  cooperative services have more important role better than the cooperative expertise in order to improve the members welfare. While the cooperative development factors have the greatest impact on improving the members welfare of the partnership strategy and entrepreneurship. In addition,  improvement of the cooperative development factors  also effected of  the members welfare was  the regulation and organization systems and economic capital.


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