The abundance of data in the company means that it is almost impossible to collectinformation that is important for making company decisions manually. A business intelligence(BI) approach to fast and accurate enterprise decision making can help provide solutions to thehigh volume of data in enterprises. (BI) provides the right tools and technologies to help collect,integrate, store, edit, and analyze the data needed to control the high volume of enterprise data.Although so far only large companies are interested in BI, the need for BI is also a need for newcompanies that are developing.The large use of BI in many companies has made the market for BI growing very rapidly.This paper specifically discusses the general potential of using BI in companies. First, there willbe a discussion on which BI solution provider is more suitable for the company and whatopportunities the BI system can implement in the company. It then discusses the extent to whichBI has advantages in its application in companies, including what is the target of the objectivesof implementing BI in companies. Finally, it discusses how the success factors of BIimplementation can be applied in the company.Keywords: Business Intelligence (BI), Decision MakingReferences
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