
  • Darmawan Napitupulu


This article aims to evaluate the success of the implementation of ERP systems based on quality systems and end-user satisfaction where the object is used as a case study in this research is PT. Indonesia Autonetsys the company that is engaged in Information and Communication Technology solutions (ICT) and have implemented an ERP system for two years running. The method used is based on a questionnaire survey to the end user (end-user) ERP system. The questionnaire was designed using a Likert scale that asks respondents' level of agreement on the quality and satisfaction with the implemented ERP system. The results based on descriptive statistics indicate that the majority of respondents agree that the ERP system is implemented which is expected to have a quality factor where the factor of ease to use (usability) are considered very helpful end-user in operational terms. In terms of satisfaction, in general, respondents are satisfied with the ERP system in which the top management support factor (top Management of support) is perceived and considered important by end-users in the implementation process for this system. In other words ERP system implemented today can be said to be successful as hoped. Keywords: ERP, Quality, Satisfaction, Success, End Users


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