Analisa Pengaruh Tingkat Absensi Dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai di Biro Umum Setda Provinsi Banten


  • Rt Erlina Gentari, Sumiati, dan St. Hardyanti Aletya



This research aims to determine the effect of absenteeism and work environment on employee performance in the General Bureau of Banten Provincial Secretariat.The research was using associative method and the kind of quantitative data. The research population numbered 350 employees and the samples taken as many as 87 employees and a method of determination in this method is purposive sampling. The research was done at the General Bureau of Banten Provincial Secretariat. Data was collected by questionnaire and analyzed by multiple regression.Based on the results of this research concluded that: 1) the level of attendance do not affect the performance of employees, 2) the work environment influence on employee performance, and 3) the level of attendance and the work environment influence on employee performance. Keywords: absenteeism, work environment, employee performance



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