Determinasi Investasi Bidang Kelistrikan dan Implikasinya Terhadap Laju Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, Pendapatan Asli Daerah dan Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja Di Provinsi Jawa Tengah


  • Syahrizal Syah Siregar



Management and distribution of electricity in the province of Central java is totally accomplished by PLN, the State Company for Electricity. As a state company, PLN has not yet fulfilled al the electricity needs to support the infrastructures in the province of Central Java. There is a gap between available electrical resources and the actual needs. Expansion of investment that involves stakeholders is highly needed ; and yet, the investors are facing problems.              Based on the problems, this research was conducted from the prepective of macro economics interrelated with investment in electricity sectors.  The research operationally studied the effect on interest rate, exchange rate, per capita of product of Domestic Bruto (PDRB), inflation rates, the government expenditures, available of infrastructure, Investmen on electricity sector, and economics growth rate on the regional revenues and employment absoption in the province of Central Java.              Reseach method employed for this research was a survey model and was functioned to explain the effect of number of independent variables on the dependent variable. There were several research models explained in this research scientifically through hypothesis testing. The research data were of secondary that consisted of quarterly data for period of 11 years from 2005 to 2015. The data were analysed trough statistical analysis of Multiple linear regression with Ordinary Least Square (OLS) model.              Research finding showed that on the model 1 there was a significant simultaneous effect of interes rate, exchange rate, per capita PDRB, inflation rates, the government expenditures, available of infrastructure, Investmen on electricity sector. For the partial effect, all dependent variables were having a significant effect  on the dependent variables except interest rates. On the model 2 there was a significant effect investmen of economict growth on the regional revenues and employment absoption in the province of Central Java.            Key words : Interest Rates, Exchange Rates, per capita of PDRB, inflation rates, the government expenditure, availability of infrastructure, investment in electricity sector, and economic growth rate, the regional revenues, employment absoption.


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