Pembangunan Ekonomi Pasca Bencana Gempa Bumi Tahun 2010 dan Implikasinya pada Penciptaan Lapangan Pekerjaan di Sumatera Barat


  • Nurtati Nurtati



The aim of the research was to understand the description of relationship among the variables under the studies. Specifically, the research studied relationship amomng variables of regulation, allocation of the national and regional budgets, regional investment, the governance of the local government, the society participation, and the role of business corporates towards the economic growth after the disaster in West Sumatera. Besides, the research aim was also to understand the implication of economic growth towards the job creation. The reserach population was the perception mean of the managing authorities of the disaster for the economic development in West Sumatera that numbered 800 personnels. Of the population number, 270 samples were drawn through purposive random sampling. Data analysis employed descriptive and verified methods. Activities of data management covered aspects of data collection, tabulation, analysis, hypothesis testing, and data interpetration for the scientific information. For the general relationship desain, the data analysis used path analysis. Research results indicated that there were significant contribution in terms of their simultaneous as well as partial of regulation, allocation of the national and regional budgets, regional investment, the governance of the local government, the society participation, and the role of business corporates towards the economic growth after the disaster in West Sumatera. Meanwhile, the economic growth affected significantly towards job creation. The research implication brought about suggestions that the Regional Government of West Sumatera set up regulation to foster the investment, increase the budget allocation, and better the infra structure, Besides, the society participation be expanded especially in economic development sectors in order that it widened the job availability


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