Pengaruh Ekspor Handicraft Terhadap Peningkatan Pendapatan Pengrajin dan Implikasinya Terhadap Pembangunan Nasional


  • Muchsin Ridjan



Exports and investment play an important role in the economic activity of a country. Exports will generate income that will be used to finance the import of capital goods and raw materials required in the production process that will create value added. Aggregation of value added generated by all units of production in the economy is the value of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Economic growth supported by investment and exports will be able to create jobs which in turn will increase the national income. Handicraft is one of the sub-sectors of creative industries. Indonesia is rich in a variety of handicraft done by many people and many take advantage of local raw materials. Unfortunately, until now the contribution of the export of non-oil handicraft is still very low. In fact, the potential to be the mainstay of handicraft products to compete in the global marketplace. This study aimed to: 1) Conduct studies and analyzes about whether there is and how much influence simultaneously and partially GDP USA, Middle Rate USD, BOP Indonesia, Shopping ICT / IT, Education Expenditures to export handicraft products. 2) Conduct studies and analyzes about whether there are and how much influence the export of handicraft craftsmen increase revenue. 3) Conduct studies and analyzes about whether there are and how much influence the export of handicrafts and craftsmen to simultaneously increase the income of national development. The research approach refers to the Cobb-Douglas production function. In connection with the paradigm of macroeconomic theory, the theory of production can be seen from the end of a maximized output in an economy is through the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). To declare a function Coob-Dauglas production in linear form, the production function is transformed in log-linear form is common in econometric analysis. The data in this study is a secondary data obtained from BPS Indonesia, in the form of Revenue Craftsmen, Indonesia's GDP, GDP USA, Middle rate USD, BOP Indonesia, Shopping ICT / IT and education spending and the value of exports from the annual reports of Indonesian Handicraft Export of Handicraft, period 1980 to 2009, which are arranged in the form of time series data (time series) and quantitative. The analysis in this study using multivariate regression with software tools Eviews7. The results were: 1) In simultaneous and partial GDP USA, Middle Rate USD, BOP Indonesia, Shopping ICT / IT, education spending has a significant effect on handicraft exports and GDP partially USA, Middle Rate USD, and Shopping ICT / IT impact positive and significant impact on exports of handicraft products but BOP Indonesia and Shopping Education has no significant positive effect on exports of handicraft products. 2) Export of handicraft products have a positive and significant effect on income of craftsmen. 3) Export of handicraft products and Revenue Craftsmen significant effect on Indonesia's GDP and 4) Export of handicraft products directly influence the income artisans and handicraft exports also affects indirectly through income artisans as intervening significantly to the GDP of Indonesia. Suggestion that BOP Indonesia is need to increased, mastering ICT / IT or ICT, in order to enhance the creativity of the craftsmen export handicraft products based on the creative economy and the need for solutions to reduce or even eliminate obstacles or barriers in education and training for artisans to improve the quality and creativity of handicraft products Indonesia, and handicraft industries are permitted to acquire working capital though bank loans that increased craftmen welfare and GDP Indonesia Keywords: GDP USA, Middle Rate USD, BOP Indonesia, ICT / IT Spending, Education Spending, Exports handicraft products, income of craftsmen , Indonesia's GDP.


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