Persaingan Global, Nilai Pelanggan dan Manajemen Pelanggan


  • Hartono Hartono



It’s not enough to simply promise customer satisfaction or even to measure it. To succeed in today’s fiercely competitive, customer-driven economy, every company must actively embrace and profitably act on the Customer Relationship Management, or CRM. CRM is suddenly the talk of the town. It is a worldwide focus on customers, covered now in popular media and within corporate boardrooms around the world. Never before has there been such a focus on keeping customers coming back. Perhaps the closest business movement was the customer satisfaction effort of the 1980s. These customer initiatives, however, often ended with common means of measuring, but not necessarily improving, customer satisfaction. CRM is much broader than the age-old pinciple that “the customer is always right.” CRM identiffies how to profitably act on that premise, at all times, across all channels and functions. CRM is essentially a focus on providing optimal value to your customers---through the way you communicate with hem, how you market to them, and how you service them---as well as through the traditional means of product, price, promotion, and place of distribution. Customers make buying decisions based on their overall experience, which involves product and price, but also includes the nature of all their interactions with you. If you can consistently deliver on these marketing, sales, service, and support interactions, you will be richly rewarded with ongoing customer loyalty and value; therein lies significant competitive advantage. If you are successful with CRM strategies, you can expect to rapidly gain a unique competitive advantage—you will have customers on your side. This customer defferential is the key to success in the twenty-first century. So it is important to strengthening every aspect of any organization by making CRM fundamentals to business. Keywords: Customer value and Customer Relationship


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