Pengaruh Sistem Akuntansi Penggajian dan Pengupahan Terhadap Kepuasan Karyawan Pada Pt. Tri Chemindo Ampuh


  • Eka Budi Yulianti



Salary issues are the most complex personnel problem and one of the most significant aspects of both employee and company. With the increasing complexity of corporate activities, it is designed an accounting system for each activity, one of which is for payroll activities and wages. Payroll and remuneration accounting systems are designed to handle payroll and salary transactions of employees and their payments. Effective payroll and wage systems are also important to maintain good relationships between employees and employers. In this study the data used are primary data. Primary data is data obtained directly from the object of research, that data obtained directly from PT. Tri Chemindo Ampuh. The data is the principal data that will be used as the discussion in this study. After the analysis and discussion that has been done before, then at the end of this thesis can be concluded that based on testing with SPSS version 22 indicates that there is a stronger relationship between Payroll Accounting System and Wages to Employee Satisfaction has a relationship level of 0.871 on the value of R. Level of the relationship in accordance with the interval coefficient of correlation with the interval close to 1 means having a stronger relationship. Keywords: Accounting System, Payroll and Wages, Employee Satisfaction


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