Pengaruh Inflasi dan Suku Bunga Terhadap Investasi di Provinsi Lampung Periode 1980-2015


  • Umar Bakti dan Maria Septijantini Alie



Lampung Province as an area on the tip of Sumatra Island and is an entry and exit gate for goods has the most favorable geographical area. Moreover, Lampung, which has a population of 8, 1 million, the majority of its population still depends on the agricultural sector.               Based on this, this study aims to determine how much influence Inflation has on investment in Lampung Province. How big is the influence of the interest rate on investment in Lampung Province. And how much influence between the two is inflation and interest rates on investment in Lampung province.               The results of the study with a sample of 36 years starting from 1980-2015, and using multiple linear regression analysis techniques, produce the regression equation Y = 3.174 - 0.057 X1 - 0.197 X2. This shows that both independent variables and inflation rates have a negative effect on investment. This means that if there is an increase in inflation or an interest rate of one unit will result in a decrease in investment of that value. In addition, from the results of the Determination analysis, it is proven that only 36.6% percent of the two independent variables can explain the effect on independent investment variables. This means that many other factors amount to 64.4% that affect investment, both infrastructure conditions, government policies, taxation, incentives, permits, and others. Keywords: Inflation, Interest Rates and Investment


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