Pengaruh Kualitas Produk dan Minat Beli terhadap Penjualan Konveksi di Jakarta


  • Herudini Subariyanti, Triningsih, dan Indah Puspitorini



In developing a product, starting with choosing a good level of product quality, thus the level of product quality in accordance with the needs of customer buying interest in sales. Product quality is the ability of the product to satisfy the needs or desires of consumers. Buying interest is a desire that arises in the minds of consumers to be able to have a product or service. Sales is the activity of selling a product or service. By measuring the level of influence of product quality and buying interest on sales through the statements submitted to fixed customers. The linear correlation coefficient of product quality is r=0.944 and the buying interest is r=0,886, the conclusion that product quality and buying interest have relationship to very strong sales. The coefficient of determination of product quality to sales is KD=0,890 or 89% and interest in buying to sales is KD=0,784 or 78,4%. Simultaneously product quality and buying interest to sales is KD=0,890 or 89%, conclusion of influence of both variable to sales. Hypothesis between variables have a significant value 0.000 means there is a significant relationship between variables. The simple regression equation of product quality to sales is Y=11,947+0,422X and buying interest to sales is Y=11,681+1,131X, this shows the positive influence between two variables to sales. The simultaneous multiple regression equation of product quality and buying interest on sales is Y=12,009+0,0433X1-0,031X2, this shows the positive and negative influence between the two variables to sales.Key Word: Product Quality, Buying Interest and Sales


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