Analisis Pengaruh Efektifitas Kerja dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT. Bunga Mas Kikim Palembang


  • Yusro Hakimah dan Yun Suprani



This study aims to determine whether there is an effect of Work Effectiveness and Work Motivation on the Performance of Employees of PT Bunga Mas Kikim Palembang.The hypothesis in this study are: (1) there is a significant effect of Work Effectiveness on PT Bunga Mas Kikim Palembang Employee Performance. (2) there is a significant effect of Work Motivation on Work Motivation of Employees at PT Bunga Mas Kikim Palembang and (3) there is a significant effect of Work Effectiveness and Work Motivation together on PT Bunga Mas Kikim Palembang Employee Performance.This research was conducted in September 2016 at PT Bunga Mas Kikim Palembang, with a population of 32 people.The method of this research is Descriptive Quantitative. The data analysis technique used is (1) nstrument Item Analysis (2) Analysis of Descriptive Statistics (3) Inferential Statistical Analysis, (4) Classic assumption test, (5) Regression Analysis,  (6) Hypothesis. Significant level used is α = 0,05. Data processing media using the SPSS  17.0 program.            Based on the results of the study, It can be concluded that Work Effectiveness and Work Motivation can be influenced by Employee Performance with multiple regression equations Y = 13,744 + 0,305 X1 + 0,339 X2.


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