Analisis Pengaruh Citra Merek, Distribusi, Rasa Terhadap Keputusan pembelian, dan Pengaruhnya pada Customer Loyalty Konsumen Ultrajaya (Studi pada konsumen susu UHT Ultra Jaya di SMA San Marino Jakarta Barat)


  • Victorya Anggraeny



The emergence of various brands of dairy products in the market cause a sharp competition between companies, thus encouraging companies to perform various marketing strategies to excel in the competition, and can provide the best service according to the needs of consumers, in order to create a high loyalty for consumers.This study was conducted to determine the influence of brand image, distribution, and taste to purchase decision and its implication to customer loyalty to consumer of ultra jaya milkThe data used in this study comes from respondents among young people are students in high school San Marino West Jakarta. This research use descriptive method approach, done by giving questionnaire to all student of SMA San Marino. The data obtained were processed using SPSS 21.00 for analysis.The results of this study indicate that brand image, distribution, and sense of positive impact on purchasing decisions, and affect the customer loyalty ultrajaya milk consumers. The authors suggest to the company to maintain the quality of its products to continue to be trusted consumers.KEYWORDSBrand image; Distribution; Taste; Buying Decision; Customer loyalty.


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