Pengaruh Harga dan Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Jasa Tour & Travel PT Afiyah Tour & Travel


  • Jon Tasrif



The desire to do business in another area and to visit the area to be visited both for business activities and for tourism to feel beautiful and good places to visit, raises business activities for service companies. One service that has a large role in the development of a travel accommodation is a tour & travel service.With the high public demand for the use of tour & travel services lately, this also fosters competition in similar companies. Therefore every company must strive to be able to develop its capabilities, skills and knowledge so that it can face competition and also to meet the needs of the consumers who are increasingly high in meeting the needs of tour & travel services.This study aims to determine the effect of price and service on customer satisfaction of tour & travel services at PT. Afiyah Tour Travel (Case Study of Tour & Travel Services for PT. Afiyah Tour Travel). This research uses Price (XI), Service (X2) variables as independent variables and customer satisfaction (Y) as related variables.The data used in this study is in the form of Primary data collected from the results of a questionnaire that has been filled in by a number of research respondents. The sample in this study were 30 respondents. The sampling technique in this study was conducted based on statistical calculations with Slovin formula. Data processing method uses descriptive analysis method and statistical analysis method (multiple linear regression) with the help of SPSS version 17.0 analysis tool. Statistical testing in this study uses the coefficient of determination analysis (R2 test).Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis to assess whether there is a negative influence between price and customer satisfaction, and whether there is a positive influence between service to customer satisfaction, the conclusion of both the price and service variables Simultaneously there is a positive and significant effect of price and service variables on customer satisfaction . And partially there is a positive and significant effect of price and service variables on customer satisfaction. It is proved by based on the f test and t test and the coefficient of determination Adjusted R square (R2) the results of the analysis of 0.646 or 64.6% are considered valid.


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