Peluang dan Tantangan UMKM Dalam Upaya Memperkuat Perekonomian Nasional Tahun 2020 Ditengah Pandemi Covid 19


  • Lili Marlinah



The Opportunities and Challenges of the UMKM/MSME Business (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) currently lies in encouraging and trying to empower small micro businesses so that they are able to grow and develop into a strong, tough and independent business. The strength, toughness and independence of the MSME business today means becoming a strong capital of national recording in the struggle for free market competition and the Covid 19’s pandemic. and also full support from goverment can be used to overcome the challenges of the digitalization era and the millennial era. The success and sustainability of MSMEs increases the speed of economic development by presenting young entrepreneur who are introduce innovations to various types of new products and services and utilize efficient in technology. Meanwhile, the big challenges for MSME businesses become not only homework for the government, but also for universities that must prepare their students to become young entrepreneurs to create of work and make a contribution forsupporting of the Indonesian economy. Keyword :Opportunities, Challenges, Small and Medium Enterprise, Economiy


Data UMKM. Diakses dari Diakses Pukul 15.42 tanggal 22 Mai 2020

Longenecker, Justin G. Carlos WMoore and Petty J William. 2001. Kewirausahaan: Manajemen Usaha Kecil. Jakarta: Salemba Empat. Edisi II

Mardiyatmo.2008.kewirausahaan.Surakarta:Yudhistira, 3 (3)

Pengertian UMKM. Diakses dari Diakses Puklu 14.28 Tanggal 22 Mai 2020

Potret UMKM Indonesia Sikecil Yang Berperan

dari Diakses Pukul 19:28 tanggal 27 Mai 2020

Sugiyono (2008). Metode Penelitian Bisnis. Bandung: Alfabeta, 225 (1)

Yuliani, Ayu. (2017). Kemenkop UKM: 3,79 Juta UMKM Sudah Go Online diakses melalui Diakses Tanggal 22 Mai 04.05

Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 2008 tentang usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah

