Peran Lingkungan Bisnis Eksternal, Internal, dan Karakteristik Persaingan Terhadap Perencanaan Strategik Serta Implikasinya pada Kinerja Industri Semen


  • Frans K Kurnia



The research in this dissertation thesis is entitled “The Analysis of the Impact of External Business Environment and Internal Business Environment and Characteristic of Competition on Strategic Planning and its Implication on the Cement Industry”.The goal of this research is to acquire empirical evidences and to discover explanation on the phenomena of impact of external business environment, internal business environment, and characteristics of competition toward strategic planning and performance of the cement companies in Indonesia.This research, it is hoped, would give a contribution to the development of economics, in particularly; and accounting management, production management, strategic management, marketing management, human resource management and management science in general as well as international economics. The research was conducted by the descriptive and inductive methods, that is : gathering, presenting, analysing, and testing, and also drawing conclusions and making recommendation. Out of the analysis several conclusions were made, as follows : 1.   Information is acquired that partially the variables of External Business Environment,  Internal Business Environment, and Competitive Characteristic have a significant influence of the level of  5% significance on Strategic Planning. In the details it could be explained as follows : the Variable of External Business Environment has the biggest impact on the Strategic Planning variable, that is 46%. The Variable of Competitive Characteristic has the second biggest influence, that is 42%, while the Variable of Internal Business Environment gives the smallest effect, 37%. 2.   The magnitude of the co-effect of the variables of External Business Environment, Internal Business Environment, and Competitive Characteristic toward Strategic Planning is 40 %.3.   There is a partical influence of the variables of External Business Environment, Internal Business Environment, and Competitive Characteristic on the Cement Industry performance; broken down as follows : The External Business Environment variable of  34% significance; The Internal Business Environment variable of 30% significance; while The Competitive Characteristic variable of 32% significance. 4.   The significant influences of Strategic Planning toward the Cement Industry Performance is of the magnitude of  38,62%.5.   There is a Joint influence of the variables of External Business Environment, Internal Business Environment, Competitive Characteristic and Strategic Planning on the Cement Industry performance is of the magnitude of  74 %. This research, it is hoped, would be useful for researchers, practitioners, and the Government, to provide beneficial information for all parties involved in Strategic Planning in anticipation of changes in External and Internal Business Environment as well as in the characteristics of competition in the development of The Cement Industry in Indonesia.


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