Pengaruh Investasi dan Produktifitas Investasi terhadap Produk Domestik Regional Bruto, Studi di Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta


  • Suheriyatmono Suheriyatmono



Stuart R.Lynn’s statement, on the advanced countries, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was affected dominantly by investment productivity rather than by its investment. Meanwhile, on the developing countries, GDP was affected dominantly by investment rather than by the productivity. Within connection of Lynn’s proposal, the purpose of this research is to find out the influence of investment and investment productivity of domestic, foreign, and government on Gross Domestic Regional Product (GDRP) of DKI Jakarta region with the purpose to investigate: how far the influences of investment and investment productivity of domestic, foreign and government simultaneously and partially on GDRP of DKI Jakarta region and to analyze the difference of the influence among the kind of investment and its productivity on GDRP of DKI Jakarta region.This research used explanatory study that is to explain relationship among variables and hypotheses testing about the existence of the relationship among variables. Research data are secondary data concerning GDRP, domestic investment, foreign investment, and government investment which collected since 1991 up to 2007. The hypotheses about influences of domestic, foreign and government investment and their productivity on GDRP, both simultaneously and partially, are tested using Multiple Linear Regression Analysis through the Ordinary Least Square method under 5% level of significance. The influences of domestic, foreign and government investment and their productivity simultaneously on GDRP of DKI Jakarta region are significant and very strong. Partially, government investment, government investment productivity and domestic investment productivity has positive effect on GDRP. Foreign investment productivity has negative effect, while the influences of domestic and foreign investment don’t have significant impact. Besides, this research has found differences of the influence among the kind of investment and among the kind of investment productivity. However, GDRP growth was more affected by the government investment. It has been revealed that the influence of government investment is stronger than its investment productivity. It is also shown the influence of domestic investment is stronger than its investment productivity. For foreign investment, the influence of the investment has positive sign, meanwhile the investment productivity has negative sign. The elasticity trend of productivity of domestic and foreign investment increased, meanwhile elasticity of government investment decreased. Also it has been found the existence of negative correlation among investment with its productivity consistently from domestic, foreign and government sources. This research succeed to prove that GDRP of DKI Jakarta is more influenced dominantly by accumulation of investment rather than by its productivity. The result of this research recommends that the investment productivity factor is the factor that must be attention and more increasing it’s role by every stakeholder. That’s mean to decrease load of investment accumulation that’s forever using the capital addition.


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