
  • Irwan Agus
  • Indah Purnama Sari



This study aims to examine how the influence of the amount of foreign investment in the tourism sector, the amount of domestic investment in the tourism sector, the amount of the provincial APBD allocation, the availability of tourism facilities, the availability of tourism supporting infrastructure, the inflation rate, the number of foreign tourists, and the number of domestic tourists on the GRDP of the tourism sector. in Central Java Province. This study uses 15 years time series data sourced from Central BPS, Central Java Province BPS, and related agencies. Data analysis using multiple Linear Regression technique. Hypothesis testing is done by partial test (t test) and simultaneous test (F test) with a significance level of 0.05. To find out the contribution of the independent variables, the Coefficient of Determination Test (R2) was carried out. The results show that there is a positive and a very significant influence on the variables of the Amount of Foreign Investment in the Tourism Sector, Amount of Domestic Investment in the Tourism Sector, Amount of Provincial Budget Allocation, Availability of Tourism Facilities, Availability of Tourism Supporting Infrastructure, Inflation Rate, Number of Foreign Tourists, and Total Archipelago tourists to the GRDP of the Tourism Sector in Central Java Province either simultaneously or partially.Keyword : Tourism GRDP, Investment, Regional budget, Infrastructure


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