
  • Herudini Subariyanti
  • Andri Rizko Yulianto



This study aims to analyze the effect of job satisfaction and compensation on employee performance. This research is a type of quantitative descriptive research using primary data sources taken directly from company employees who are actively working at CV. Makmur Mandiri Sejahtera, as a source of research data. The independent variables consist of job satisfaction and compensation, while the dependent variable is employee performance. The research design is a random sample study conducted on 162 samples of employees at CV. Makmur Mandiri Sejahtera, data collection techniques through questionnaires. Furthermore, the data were analyzed quantitatively by using statistical methods with the help of the SPSS 22.00 computer program, with descriptive analysis techniques, simple correlations, multiple correlations, and basic assumption tests, partial correlations, multiple correlations, F tests, t tests, and determination tests. From the research results, it can be concluded that there is a positive and significant relationship between work motivation and compensation on employee performance at CV. Prosperous Mandiri Prosperous. Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Compensation, Employee Performance


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