Analysis Of Use Of Forecast And Methods Economy Order Quantity On Controlsphc Material Supplies Po 3.6 X 107 X 1219 At Pt. Rachmat Perdana Adhimetal


  • Bambang Hermanto



Material Inventory Control Analysis "SPHC PO 3.6 X 107 X 1219" uses the Forcast Methode and Economic Order Quantity which is more advantageous, as the cost element of two-wheeled Automotive Production, by PT. Rachmat Perdana Adhimetal (RPA).The research method used is Library Studies (Library Research) and Field Studies (Field Research). Collecting data directly to the field using data collection techniques in Interview (Interview) and Observation (Observation) directly on RPA in Jakarta.The data that have been collected is analyzed by using forecast method and Eqonomy Order Quantity. The result of analysis shows that the use of economic order quantity method is more optimal and economical than forecast method which has been the company policy. A more effective and efficient calculation is evidenced by the difference in the calculation of Total Inventory Cost (TIC) between the Forecast method of the firm and the Economy Order Quantity method, can be seen from the difference in inventory cost savings in 2014 of Rp. 11.403.262, - in 2015 amounting to Rp. 10,609,395, - and in 2016 for Rp. 11.025.205, -. Keywords: Forcast, Economic Order Quantity, Full Costing, Job Order Costing Method


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