Analisa Pengaruh Persepsi Dan Pengetahuan Wanita Muslim Golongan Menengah Terhadap Brand Switching Kosmetik Halal


  • Tanty Yuanita, Sampurno, dan Djoharsjah Mx



This study aims to analyze the influence of middle class Muslim women's perception and their knowledge of Halal cosmetics on decision to brand switch to Halal cosmetics. This research designed with verification method and use questionnaire as research instrument. Sampling technique used in this research is non-probability sampling with purposive sampling method. The respondents were middle-class Muslim women who had bought Halal cosmetics in Jakarta area.  Data were gained from 120 completed questionnaires which met the inclusion criteria. The research analysis was performed with SEM-PLS statistic method using WarpPLS 3.0 software. It shows that middle-class Muslim women's perception has significant positive influence on brand switching to Halal cosmetics. Similarly, the variable knowledge of Halal cosmetics has a significant positive effect. Practical implications of this research can provide insight for the company in preparing a Halal cosmetic marketing strategy related to variables that have  significant effects  on middle-class Muslim women. Keywords:  Brand switching, Consumer Perception, Halal Cosmetics, Product Knowledge.


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