Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transformasional dan Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan


  • Santi Riana Dewi



The objective of this causal study is to find out the effect of transformational leadership and job satisfaction on employee job performance.The research was carried out with 80 employees as the sample of the company in Merak which is selected by proportional random sampling. The method applied is survey with path analysis causal approach. The result of the analysis is : (1) there is a positively direct effect of transformational leadership on the job performance, (2) there is positively direct effect of job satisfaction on the job performance, (3) there is positively direct effect of transformational leadership on the job satisfaction. Base on those findings, it can be concluded that the employee job performance had been affected directly by transformational leadership and job satisfaction. There for transformational leadership and job satisfaction have to be an important priority. The result of this research can contribute as the reference in decision making at human resources department who has a strategic role in improving employee job performance at the company in Merak. Keywords: transformational leadership, job satisfaction, job performance, direct effect.


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