Call for Applications: Editor and Reviewer

Jurnal Karya Lintas Ilmu Bidang Rekayasa Arsitektur, Sipil, Industri (KaLIBRASI), needs personnel to fill the position of Area Editor and Reviewer. Jurnal KaLIBRASI was published by Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Borobudur, 1.    Editor The main task of the Area Editor is to assess and decide whether the manuscript can be further processed (peer-reviewed by the Reviewer) or declined (rejected). An Area Editor will evaluate 2-3 articles per year.   2.    Reviewer The Reviewer's main task is to provide an assessment of a manuscript based on scientific contributions. A Reviewer will evaluate 2-3 articles per year.   The benefits for Area Editor and Reviewer Benefit: Decree of the Dean of Faculty of Engineering Universitas Borobudur, which can be used for BKD (Lecturer Workload Report) and PAK Jabfung (Credit Assessment for Lecturer Promotion), Certificate, Names and affiliations are displayed on the web journal, Prioritized (fast-track peer-review process) when submitted to our journal. However, accept/reject decisions use the same criteria as others.   If you are interested, please contact: 08111619944 (Indra Setiawan). We look forward to your cooperation in the future.   Best regards – Editor in chief